The brown's actually much deeper than that, but I can't get it to photograph properly. At least you can see the lovely pattern here. It's going well (middle body is done, both sides; nearly done with the upper back, and then I'll finish the upper front and start the sleeves) but it's scarily huge. That, of course, is because it's due to be partially felted and this yarn shrinks a lot when felted (according to my swatch, anyway). But it makes me very nervous. And of course I'm also nervous I'll over-felt it and turn it into cardboard. It's so lovely and soft right now. But at the moment, so long it'd cover his butt. Not a manly look.
"Hey, Teach!" is not forgotten, though. I finished the back:
And to top it off, I finally bought buttons for Ysolda's Tiny Shoes. Sadly, these Shoes are now far too small for the baby for whom they were knit -- and may have always been, they really are preemie sized -- so I'll hold onto them until there's an appropriate neonate on the horizon. They're awfully hard to photograph so I tried stuffing them with napkins (serviettes for you UK and AU types):
That's the trouble with baby shoes (and other baby knits) - the little tykes just blow past them. My sneaker booties are now far too small. I'm making year one for a three month old and losing ground fast!
The gansey is gorgeous (and Hey Teach! too - I don't have carpal tunnel but my hands just *ache* after knitting with cotton)) but to felt....whoa.... I would be so nervous!
Thanks for the love you sent my way.
I am barely knitting, but have two projects for when I am able.
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