Sunday, April 25, 2010

Finished a hat for James!

I'm really backed up on requested hats and things for people that aren't or haven't been well. One is a hat for my friend James in Melbourne. He wanted a warm hat to wear to the footie in winter. I needed to finish it before seeing him in a month. It is done!

I kinda like the tweed! I will write the pattern up (with a few mods) for an average-sized head (this is extra-large) at some point. Meanwhile my Ravelry project has the basic recipe if you want to mess around.

I got Ronise's permission to post a photo of her in the chemo cap. It suits her *much* better than it suited me:

Another chemo cap for my friend Paola is in process. This one will be a bit more challenging... wish me luck!

1 comment:


I like that tweedy pattern, too!