Argh. It was perfect, too — and I didn't realize I'd screwed up until I was this far. Foolishly, I kept thinking, "Hunh, this really looks small, but hey, I know it's Carson's size because I'm on gauge and I did the math!"
Did the math, yeah. WRONG MATH. Durrrrr.
Now I know I said this yarn won't rip, but I took a chance, since it was plain stockinette and over a skein's worth and I really have my heart set on the shirt for Carson now. I was very very careful. I think it's okay, but we'll know for sure when I knit it, because I was a wuss and started with a fresh ball.
(Okay, I know in the last post I said I'd knit it top down, but hey, I lied. This is easier to calculate.)
Thanks for the kind and helpful comments on the previous tee, btw. I guess I'll save it for some baby! Maybe if it marinates in the FOs for a while I'll stop seeing its flaws.
Apropos of nothing, my garden is really confused about what season it is:
(Admittedly, this plumeria is a little brown, but come on — plumeria in November? Nuts! Even in San Diego that is insane.)
I've been sick and useless this weekend (except for knitting, which had to be ripped), but tonight I got to take a photo of The Coolest Spider. I am pretty sure he's a trap door spider. He was on the march (apparently it's the males who go a-roamin'), plowing along with palps out stiffly in front of him, on our driveway — Rob found her and yelled for me. He caught him temporarily so I could take another photo. Is he gorgeous or what?
Way Way Way Cool Spider!
Dude! Check out those chelicerae (I had to look up how to spell that word)! I can't tell how big he is from those photos, but that dish in the second one makes him look about 2 inches long. Wow, how wonderful!
I love spiders! Thanks for the pictures.
In the movie Ruthless People, I love the fact that the kidnappers didn't have to heart to kill a spider. Or sell retail.
It's a pretty cool spider but I'm glad Rob found it at your house, not mine. I like spiders but that one would wig me the heck out.
Gail would've been on the eff-in' ceiling if she'd seen that.
right on :)
That is SUCH a cool spider. But next time, could you include a picture of your finger next to him for scale? Thanks. :)
Inquiring minds want to know: Where is Valerie? Is she out of town? Snowed under with work? Ill (I hope not!). We miss her!
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