Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cruising past the half-way point...

At least, that's my assessment. Back done, front right done, cruising up the front left; still have sleeves and button bands and collar to do.

I'm officially renaming this the "Leland" sweater since (1) it doesn't really look like Sienna and (2) it matches April's goat. The purple yarn up top is some waste yarn; I decided to keep the shoulders not-bound-off so that I could join them with a three-needle bindoff, much nicer than that bulky seam I did on the Pea Pod. Though the color is a nice enough contrast I may be tempted to look for buttons in that color when I'm done!

On the personal front, things are less wonderful; I just got a phonecall that my remaining grandma is likely not going to make it too much longer. There's no real way to feel good about a year that has seen so many losses (five so far and this will be six, when it happens), but I do feel that knitting helps me hang in on the sane side of the seam. Sometimes just barely on the sane side, admittedly. :-) Plus, both grandmothers encouraged my knitting, and that makes me feel it is important. So that's something.


sheep#100 said...

Oh, Valerie!

Earin Marybird said...

Valerie, I am so sorry. Keep knitting, you're right, it helps keep you centered and sane(ish). We're out here in blogland sending you love and good wishes.

Jen said...

Oh, hugs, Valerie. I know how you feel - I think it was about ten years ago that I lost my last grandparents. My mother's parents both went about 2 days apart, even though they'd been divorced over 20 years and lived half the country apart.

Grandma was the crafty one, part of a direct lineage of crafty women down to me. I still treasure some of the handcrafted things she made and gave me decades ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Your knitting will always keep you close to her. I lost my grandmother 15 years ago (on the 30th) and even though I still miss her terribly, I feel closer to her when I crochet because she taught me when I was just 10 years old. Take care.

Christine said...

I know how much she means to you and it hurts to think of how hard this must be on all of you. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs.

April said...

Valerie, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, what a terrible year this has been for you. If there's anything at all that I can do to make this time easier for you, please let me know.

On a lighter note, Leland will be so pleased to hear that he has a sweater named after him.

Pearls Mother said...

Hugs to you and your family Valerie.

Anonymous said...

Oh Valerie, I'm so sorry about these news that you got - sending big hugs from across the ocean! I absolutely agree with you though, knitting is such a perfect thing to help keep us sane through trying times, it's something on which we can concentrate and thus stop pondering and thinking sad thoughts for a while. All the best to you!
On a lighter note, I like the name "Leland", and it seems to fit the sweater perfectly! Great progress by the way!

jae said...

SO sorry your grandma isnt doing well. Three needle bind off is a good idea, Ive never done it but vowed to learn it on my next sweater. I know what you mean about the bulky seams theyre the pits.