Monday, April 30, 2007

Real quick now...

I finished Bristow! Sewed on the last button and wove in the ends on the ride to Los Angeles.

I am in Australia! We arrived on Monday midday Perth time, had lunch with my mother-in-law and Rob's first cousin and his wife, took a stroll in the rain, and then I had a bowl of cereal for supper and went to bed at 8 p.m. and slept until 7:30 a.m. Tuesday. All about par for the course.

No time to take pics of Bristow yet, but it fits and I am SO pleased with it. I wore it all the way here and I'm wearing it now and I may never take it off except to wash it. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit. Who needs to wash it?

Heh. Just kidding.


Alyson said...

Yay! And lucky you...I'm envious - pet something Australian for me! (If you run low on time, you could just pet your mother-in-law....I'll never know.)


Laura B said...

Oh yeah! Can't wait to see photos! Have a great trip... we'll be expecting photos from your trip too!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing! Have a great trip and take lots of pics :)

April said...

Will you bring me back a Koala bear? Puh-leeeeaze?

Earin Marybird said...

Yea for Bristow! I can't wait to see the photos. Just don't spill anything and you won't have to wash it forever! Glad to know that you arrived safely and that you were able to blog though dial ups will drive you MAD!!!

Kelly said...

Great to hear that you are safe in Australia. Hope you enjoy your month away. Can't wait to see Bristow!