Wednesday, May 24, 2006


The universe definitely knew I was feeling down. It made my gardenia bloom.

The gardenias had both been eaten down to sticks by some sort of critter (deer?) last winter, so I wasn't sure what would happen. The plants looked so pitiful. But this morning, lovely smells wafted towards me when I went out the back door. Woohoo!

I cut the gardenias, brought them inside, and noticed that the roses on my dining room table had opened. They just glowed. I had to take a flash picture to really get the effect. They smell good, too.

Perhaps they know it's Colleen's birthday!

Last night I finished the drudgery (because I don't like them — otherwise, it's pleasant knitting) of the last pair of CIC socks. I wove in almost all the ends, too. So it's just Kitchenering and weaving in the last six ends, now.
Here's proof. I'll do the last bits tonight, honest.


Jen said...

Oh, how pretty! When I saw the gardenia picture come up, at first it looked like a porcelain plaque with 3-d flowers, they blooms are that perfect. And the roses...I love that pink/yellow blush look. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, flowers! Flowers and socks! What more you could one ask for in life, really? (well, besides snacks) (and cats) (and setting things on fire with your mind...)

Anonymous said...

hmm, that was me, but it says I am anonymous! hmph. although you probably knew that because of the fire.

Lene said...

Those socks remind me of my childhood. Then my mom used to knit socks out of left our yarns from other projects. And the socks would have stripes like yours. I don't think she ever shopped for sock yarn...

Anonymous said...

very pretty flowers! just the ticket to start the day off right :)
